Thursday, May 30, 2013

Young Visitors


Busy is as busy does. Or is that "Stupid is as..." Never mind. Just suffice it to say, I've been busy. When we got back from our Southern tour of Civil War battlefields this week my 12-year-old granddaughter called and wanted to come down for a few days with her friend. We have a pool at the Condo community I live in so she likes to visit Gramma often in the summer. And since she lives two hours away, I always enjoy seeing her.

Today's agenda? The mall and then the pool. I'm not fond of malls at all. And the mall with two tween girls? Torture. Sheer torture!


  1. Hi There, Thanks for coming to my blog. Hope you come back. Hubby and I are retired and enjoy hiking/traveling. We love searching for waterfalls!!! Hubby is really into Civil War History (loves Robert E. Lee) --and I am into my Backyard Birds and Genealogy. We are gardeners and grow roses and lots of other flowers... Hope you come back.

    Good Luck with 12 yr. old girls at the mall... Yipes... BUT--I know you'll enjoy seeing them.


  2. Hi Betsy! I love your photos and especially your flower and bird photos. I take a lot of pictures of birds and flowers myself but they don't turn out as good as yours. I'm still working on it though.

    12 year old girls are fun but exhausting. LOL
