Saturday, June 29, 2013

Our Neighbor the Voyeur

This is why I stopped blogging in 2009, I go along smoothly, blogging every day and then BAM; I start posting only sporadically. Life gets in the way. Such is the case ever since we got back from vacation. Things fall by the wayside. I can pinpoint it to a certain moment in time and a certain activity I've been obsessively engaging in. Genealogy!

Yes, I've been bitten by the genealogy bug. The site of those cascading boxes set my heart in a flutter. The joy of it! I've put all life to the side, including that which pays the bills; my writing. I sit all day and night filling in little boxes in my pedigree chart. In fact, I want to be doing it now. It sounds corny but I can't begin to tell you how exciting it was when I found my great great grandparents. Who knew genealogy could be so darned much fun!

We finally got our TV back Thursday night. I felt like I came to life again once we plugged that pleasingly large black device in the surge protector strip (which by the way doesn't protect against surges caused by lightening, so we found). When I pressed the red button to turn it on I swear my heart fluttered. Life is good again.

Speaking of life; the hubster and I were spied on this morning by a neighbor, looking in our windows. I'm talking literally sitting in front of our townhouse, staring in at us. Even when we made eye contact he (or she) wouldn't turn away. Yup, it was a bunny rabbit. This little guy stared in at us for close to twenty minutes. It would seem he found us fascinating. Maybe he wanted to see how the human reacts in their natural habitat. I can now say I know what the animals in the zoo feel like when we spy on them. It also makes me wonder how often the woodland creatures stare in at us.


  1. My number 1 secret for blogging it to always post at the same time every day. I get up, take care of my morning bidness, getta cuppa coffee, and post.

    I was on the genealogy trip for a while. Then I got an email about someone who had the same relative as me. A long lost cousin in LA. She merged our two trees and now mine is too complex for me to look at.

    Maybe your neighbor can't see you seeing him. When I read the title I thought you had discovered my secret hidden cams.

  2. Hi! My name is Heather and I was just wondering if you could answer a question about your blog! My email is Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail(dot)com :-)
